Spanish Monarchy: A Summary (in English)


This resource will give you an instant understanding of the development of the Spanish Monarchy. It is ideal for pre-reading and revision. However if you are studying a book or film that refers to the Spanish royals, then this resource will give you a much deeper understanding of these too.  It covers the history as well as the main themes for a very comprehensive understanding. This resource is easy to download and print out.


This is a very thorough summary of the Spanish Monarchy. It covers the Catholic Kings, the Habsburg and Bourbon dynasties, the transition to democracy and a constitutional monarchy, and the present-day Spanish royal family.

This in-depth summary includes themes relating to the Spanish monarchy and the Catholic Church, the popularity of the Spanish royal family and the scandals surrounding it. It is written in bullet-point formatting with highlights, making it easy to read and engage with.

This summary will give Spanish learners a solid understanding of the themes and history of the Spanish Monarchy, and is a fantastic platform for further research or reading on this topic.

This is a four-page resource formatted in black and white for easy download and printing. This resource is ideal for pre-reading and revision. It can also be used alongside study on the topics and in conjunction with relevant Spanish literature and films.

There is also a PowerPoint presentation on the Spanish monarchy (in English), and both are available in a resource bundle on the Spanish monarchy.