Reading & Vocab: Profesiones y Ambiciones


Spanish reading comprehension and vocabulary exercises on the topic of jobs, professions and ambitions. Perfect for both classroom use and for homework.


This Spanish Reading & Vocab resource focuses on jobs, professions and ambitions. It includes five reading texts, each covering a different aspect of the topic.

The titles of the reading texts are:

  • ¿Cuál es tu ambición? (What is your ambition?)
  • ¿Cómo es el día a día en tu trabajo? (What is your job like in the day-to-day?)
  • ¿Qué es el mercado laboral? (What is the job market?)
  • Cinco consejos de un consejero vocacional (Five tips from a careers advisor)
  • Carta solicitud de prácticas profesionales (Application letter for an internship)

The reading texts are written for intermediate-level Spanish students.  Each text is designed to include high-quality vocabulary so that students are then able to speak and write about jobs, professions and ambitions with relevant, advanced vocabulary.

What does the resource include?

  • Five reading texts
  • Comprehension and vocabulary exercises for each reading text
  • Translation exercises
  • Two writing questions
  • Crossword puzzle
  • Speaking exercise (Photo card)
  • Vocabulary sheet for memorization
  • Answers for the comprehension, vocabulary and translation exercises

The resource is available to download in both A4 size and Letter size.

If you would like to purchase the full range of our Spanish Reading Comprehension resources, please click here to see the full bundle.

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