La inmigración: Advanced Spanish Reading Practice


This Advanced Spanish Reading Practice resource focuses on immigration. It includes five reading texts, each covering a different aspect of immigration in Spain and Latin America: dangerous crossings, racism and exclusion, and Spain’s declining birth rate.

Each text includes comprehension and vocabulary-building exercises. Answers are also provided.

An educational resource that is perfect for the classroom or for individual study.


This Advanced Spanish Reading Practice resource focuses on immigration. This in-depth, comprehensive Spanish educational resource includes five reading texts, each covering a different aspect of the topic.

The titles of the reading texts are:

  • La crisis venezolana
    (The Venezuelan crisis)
  • La muerte de un mantero madrileño
    (The death of a ‘mantero’ in Madrid)
  • Más de la mitad de las pateras que viajan a España desembarcan en Canarias (More than half of migrant boats to Spain land in the Canaries)
  • La tasa de natalidad y la inmigración
    (Birth rate and immigration)
  • Más de la mitad de los inmigrantes en España sufren un rechazo
    (More than half of immigrants in Spain suffer rejection)

The reading texts are written for upper-intermediate / advanced level Spanish students, including A Level. Each text is designed to include high-quality vocabulary so that students are then able to speak and write about this topic with relevant, advanced vocabulary. This Spanish resource can be used in the classroom or for individual study.

What does the resource include?

  • Five reading texts
  • Comprehension exercises for each reading text
  • Translation exercises
  • A writing question
  • Speaking exercise (Photo stimulus card)
  • Answers for the comprehension, vocabulary and translation exercises

The resource is available to download in both A4 size and Letter size.

For more Spanish resources on immigration, click here to buy this helpful Spanish-English Glossary on Immigration, or download the FREE sample Advanced Reading resource entitled La Bestia: el tren de la muerte (The Beast: the death train).

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