A fantastic resource on the topic of Immigration designed for Spanish A Level, Advanced Higher and other advanced learners. This Spanish-English glossary is a compilation of key vocabulary that is topic-specific. It covers vocabulary relating to the reasons behind immigration, attitudes towards it, the means and background. The vocabulary is both essential and advanced and is an excellent platform for enabling students to understand what they read on the subject and be able to speak and write about it with vocabulary that impresses. It is ideal for pre-reading, revision and used in conjunction with regular study.
This glossary is designed as a compact two-page resource in black and white, easily downloaded and printed, and beautifully formatted.
Have a look at my other glossaries designed especially for Spanish learners.
This resource is also available to purchase on TpT and TES.
Un glosario bilingüe español-inglés sobre el tema de la inmigración.
Este glosario es una compilación del vocabulario importante sobre este tema. Incluye palabras y frases que tienen que ver con las razones por la inmigración, las actitudes ante la inmigración, las formas de migrar y el contexto general.
El vocabulario es tanto esencial como avanzado.
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