Si clauses/Conditional sentences: Spanish grammar practice


What does the resource include?

  • Overview of si clauses and how they work.
  • Guided notes on how to use (1) si + present, present, (2) si + present, future, (3) si + present, imperative, (4) si + imperfect subjunctive, conditional, and (5) si + pluperfect subjunctive, pluperfect subjunctive.
  • Grammar exercises for each of the five different types of si clauses.
  • Answers for exercises. There are some exercises where students can create their own answers, so there are no set answers provided for those activities.


This Spanish grammar practice resource helps students understand how to use the si clauses: conditional sentences, also known as the first conditional, second conditional, and third conditional.

Note for teachers

This resource is designed for students who are already familiar with the present, conditional, imperative, future, imperfect subjunctive and pluperfect subjunctive (past perfect subjunctive) tenses required to create these conditional sentences.

However, each one of the si clauses is treated separately, so you can use one or some of the si clauses if they are not all appropriate for the level you are teaching.

Learning how to use si clauses is a great way for students to provide some interesting color to their spoken and written work. It shows the ability to use tenses in combination and to use tenses that would be difficult to fluently incorporate otherwise. They are a fantastic way for students to achieve bonus marks by providing that “wow” factor.

What does the resource include?

  • Overview of si clauses and how they work.
  • Guided notes on how to use (1) si + present, present, (2) si + present, future, (3) si + present, imperative, (4) si + imperfect subjunctive, conditional, and (5) si + pluperfect subjunctive, pluperfect subjunctive.
  • Grammar exercises for each of the five different types of si clauses.
  • Answers for exercises. There are some exercises where students can create their own answers, so there are no set answers provided for those activities.

How to use the resource

The resource can be used either with or without teacher intervention. Students should be able to use dictionaries (either paper or online) to look up any vocabulary they need as the resource is focusing on grammar practice, not vocabulary-building.

The resource is available to download in both A4 size and Letter size.

A PowerPoint Presentation on Spanish Si clauses/conditional sentences is also available and can be used alongside these worksheets. Please note that the content is the same.

Looking for more Spanish grammar resources? We also have helpful worksheets on how to use Desde, desde hace, and hace.

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